From Nigel Bankes, Emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Calgary:"Bill 35, the All Season Resorts Act, is deeply problematic for at least three reasons. First, it is not clear why we need a special legal regime for all season resorts (ASRs), and especially a regime like this that seeks to centralize and streamline the review, permitting and approval of ASRs. In other words what is the problem that Bill 35 is seeking to resolve and who is lobbying for it? Why do ASRs need a single-window review process and how will such a process protect environmental and ecological values? Second, Bill 35 effectively insulates ASRs from public review by exempting such projects from review by the Natural Resources Conservation Board. The Bill also provides the Minister with ability to exempt an ASR from compliance with a regional plan adopted under the Alberta Land Stewardship Act by amending that plan without any need for consultation and reporting, thereby weakening Alberta’s landscape level planning processes without any explanation. Again, why do ASRs need or merit these special rules? And third, while public lands currently within a protected area may not be designated as an ASR, the Bill makes it quite clear that areas may be removed from a protected area and once removed they may then be designated as an ASR area with any resort development proposal subject to all of the expedited review processes contemplated by the Bill."