Support Pessamit First Nation to protect the Pipmuakan!

The Pipmuakan is situated on the Nitassinan of the Pessamit Innu First Nation, in the heart of the boreal forest. The Pessamiulnut have occupied this territory from time immemorial. It provides them with food and medicine, and it allows them to perpetuate their way of life.

Even today, the Pipmuakan is essential for the transmission of Innu culture and identity. Frequented by Atik, the boreal woodland caribou, the Pipmuakan is also important for the restoration of this threatened species. But the ongoing expansion of logging and the spread of cottage country threatens the Pipmuakan.

Anxious to maintain the link between the Pessamiulnut and the Nitassinan and to ensure the survival of Atik, the Pessamiulnut are mobilizing to protect the Pipmuakan. Support them!

Write to the Innu Council of Pessamit to share your support for the protection of the Pipmuakan!

Message will be sent to:
Innu Council of Pessamit

CC :
Mr. François Legault, Premier of Québec
Ms. Maïté Blanchette Vézina, Minister of Natural Resources and Forests, Québec

Mr. Benoit Charette, Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks, Québec
Ms. Andrée Laforest, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Québec
Mr. Ian Lafrenière, Minister Responsible
for Relations with the First Nations and the Inuit, Québec

des Innus
de Pessamit
Bureau Politique