WE NEED YOUR HELP to protect Nova Scotia’s Ocean Playground!

The federal government has just released a draft plan that identifies 38 areas of high conservation value off the coast of Nova Scotia and is recommending protection for these ecologically significant places. This includes sites in the Bay of Fundy, habitats for rare and endangered species, concentrations of cold-water corals, spawning grounds, tidal salt marshes, eelgrass meadows, kelp beds, upwelling zones, biodiversity hotspots, and important places for migratory birds.

This proposed plan is an important step to save our ocean. A public consultation is underway right now and it is crucial that the federal government receives letters of support for protecting these 38 sites. Canada has a target of protecting 25% of the ocean by 2025, and 30% by 2030. We are running out of time to achieve these important targets to ensure our ocean will thrive for generations to come. Our ocean is threatened by climate change and biodiversity loss, as well as destructive industrial practices, like open-net pen fish farming. Your voice is urgently needed to protect these very important marine areas. Please take a moment to submit a letter to the public consultation.

In your submission, you may want to consider the following points:

  • The 38 sites are important for conservation
  • The plan is a step in the right direction
  • You care about protecting the ocean


The best letters are short and personal. We’ve created a template for the letter, but please add your own comments. Saying things like “this matters to me”, explaining why you care about the ocean, or providing a first-hand experience of being on the coast, are all super important. Please take a few moments to speak up. This plan has been in the works for years and we are pleased that it is finally going through public consultation. Letters can also be emailed directly to [email protected].

The public comment period is open until June 29th, 2024. Thank you.

To view the draft conservation proposal, click here.

To: DFO Maritimes Public Consultation