Hudson Bay is changing fast. Ice is melting at an alarming rate, opening the waters to increased shipping and putting belugas, polar bears, and seabirds at even greater risk. But we have an opportunity to turn the tide.
Parks Canada has identified a massive stretch of Hudson Bay for protection under a National Marine Conservation Area (NMCA)—a move that would safeguard wildlife, create jobs, boost tourism, and secure local livelihoods.
The time for action is now. Churchill’s mayor has asked the federal government to launch a feasibility study. Thousands of Manitobans have sent postcards and emails asking the federal government to move the process forward. But this critical next step has yet to materialize. Parks Canada must take it to the next level by conducting the feasibility study to explore establishing the NMCA.
📢 Tell Minister Guilbeault to work with the town of Churchill and local Indigenous Nations to explore making the Western Hudson Bay NMCA a reality.
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